In the new testament scriptures we read about Zacharias and His encounter with the angel Gabriel. We read about Mary and her encounter with the angel Gabriel we also read about Joseph’s encounter with the angel of the Lord. The scriptures for our attention is found in Matthew ch1vs18-25.from these scriptures I want us to see Joseph’s distress, Joseph’s dream and Joseph’s deeds.
Matthew’s account puts Joseph in the forefront of the nativity whereas Luke’s gospel puts Mary at the forefront. In these accounts we can see two devout souls each sharply tried and both richly blessed because of their obedience. Firstly let us see ……
a. Espoused. Verse 18 points out that Mary was espoused to Joseph. This means she was betrothed to him or engaged to him. In that day the betrothed maiden remained at the home of her parents until her marriage. If a man and a woman were betrothed it was the final thing before marriage. They were looked upon as man and wife even though as yet they were not living together neither had they consomated their union. It was such a serious thing that a couples betrothal could only be terminated by divorce. If we consider this for a moment we can understand what a shock it was to Joseph when he discovered Mary was with child. His love, His respect, His love and fear of God had kept him pure. In His distress he considered divorce .
b. Expecting. Luke’s gospel tells of the miraculous conception of the Christ child and Mary’s soon departure from Nazareth to a town in Judean to see her pregnant cousin Elizabeth. 3 months later Mary returned. Her pregnancy was showing.
c. Exposed. Joseph could see the swelling. His faith faltered, His mind went into turmoil. He had to do something. That which had been expressed in the scriptures, a faith shadow of the coming Messiah that Joseph believed had now become faith substance. His faith faltered He couldn’t cope with what was happening to him. She must have been unfaithful he thought, only one option, divorce, privately. He’d consider it further he’d sleep on it……….It was a test of faith, it was a cry for help. God heard that cry.
God’s sovereign will needed to be accomplished the child could not be born out of wedlock. Jesus must have an earthly stepfather, who would love Him like His own son and that He might have a balanced family life and so God sent His angel to speak to Joseph. As Joseph slept the angel came to him in a dream and spoke to him. All doubt was removed from Joseph’s mind, in 48 words His faith was restored and he was informed of all he needed to know.
The angel let him know that he qualified to be Jesus’s stepfather he was of the house of David.
The angel told him to take Mary to be His wife for always.
The angel told him that the babe in Mary’s womb was conceived of the Holy Ghost therefore not man.
The angel told him the babes gender and His name…. Jesus which means Jehovah is salvation.
The angel told Joseph the purpose of Jesus’s coming, to be their saviour to be their salvation.
Joseph’s dream was vivid and real and would fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah ch7:14. and Mary would bring forth a son ….not Joseph’s but God’s Son. Emmanuel. Praise God He came.
We have seen how Joseph’s faith faultered at a great mountain peak in His faith walk and that His faith was bolstered by a direct intervention from God. This does not mean that he was a total failure we should not think of Joseph in derogatory terms. If we examine the scripture we find he was a regenerate believer. FIRSTLY. We see in verse 19 of our text that he was a JUST man. He was just before God not only was he of the physical seed of David but he was of the spiritual seed of David. He was a saved man. He was also just before His fellow man. He was a fair man, a loving man, a caring man.
SECONDLY. When he was in despair when seeing Mary was pregnant His thoughts did not demand that he exposed her condition publicly thereby having her stoned but he chose to put her away privately. Joseph was a compassionate caring man. Joseph here chooses grace instead of the law. He chose mercy not judgement. We can learn from Joseph when it is easier to pronounce judgement and wash your hands of that person be patient take the road of mercy, compassion be gentle in your dealings. God dealt with you and me by His wonderful grace, love and compassion.
THIRDLY. When Joseph awoke he did exactly as he was commanded by the angel. He took Mary to wife, he did not know her intimately until some time after the birth and he called him Jesus. Demonstrating His renewed faith.
FOURTHLY. With His renewed and revitalised faith what other people would say he did not care. He knew that kith and kin would for a long time to come doubt Mary’s word and his word. But they both knew there was something greater coming than the mere word of those that condemned them.
We can learn from Joseph when our faith faulters listen to the word of God, know God’s presence anew. Rejoice in the message of truth again. Ask God for His direction. No longer be overwhelmed by the misunderstanding of lost people. Because you will know there is something greater to be done . Let our faith be a growing faith as Joseph’s was.
Michael Whitehouse.