John’s gospel chapter 12:21 States “Sir we would see Jesus.” These words should be the cry of every Christian from their heart. The preacher preaches because every person needs to know about Christ because every persons eternal destiny depends upon what they think of Christ, you know, what you think of Christ will determine what you do with Him. And what you do with Him determines what he does with you. Today people, many people, do not believe that Jesus existed at all, these people are ignorant and reject or deafen their ears and blind their eyes to the evidence of everyday life, what’s the date, 2024. 2024 years after what, the birth of Confucius no Christ what does BC stand for before Confucius no before Christ. Christ is a historical figure he lived breathed and walked upon this earth. That is an attested fact.

Let’s go a little further and see.


a.) He was unique in the way he spoke.

John’s gospel tells us that during Christ earthly ministry many begun to believe on him and it caused the pharisees to try and take him from the people. They sent a guard to take him captive but they came back empty-handed and they asked “why have you not brought him?” and they replied “Never a man spake like this man.” John 7:44 . Jesus spake and taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes. He didn’t speak vain jangling He spoke with power, His power, He knew what the word of God said and spake it. No one ever spoke like Jesus on this earth He was unique in the way He spoke.

b.) He was unique in what He did.

Jesus went about doing good and healing to sick and all those oppressed by the devil. When He healed a person that person was healed, when He casts a demon out of a person that demon was cast out. Jesus was unique in what He did, he healed the incurable diseases of the day, He made the blind to see, He made the lame to walk, He made the dumb to speak, He made the deaf to hear He was unique, He walked on the water, He turned water into wine, He stilled the tempest, He made a fish bring a coin to the surface to pay His taxes, He raised the dead, He is completely unique there is none to match him in what he did.

c.) He was unique in what He said.

Jesus claimed to be the son of God, the Christ (Matthew 26:63,64). Jesus claimed to be equal with the Father (John 10:30-33). Jesus claimed He was eternal (John 8:58). Jesus claimed to be able to send the Holy Spirit (John 15:26). Jesus claimed to be the judge of the quick and the dead (John 5:21-23). Jesus was unique in what He said.

d.) He was unique in what He offered. (His life)

Jesus Christ offered Himself to bear the sins of the whole world. He came to seek and to save that which was lost. The scripture says all we like sheep have gone astray and the lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all. John the Baptist said “Behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world” though our sins be as scarlet, Jesus offered everyone eternal life “Him that cometh to me I will no wise cast out”. His offer is unique and one that can be trusted because He has the power over death. Jesus was unique in what he offered.


Over 2000 years ago He who had ever been with the father, one with Him in essence and nature came to earth. Look at Galatians 4:4 and Philippians 2 verse 7 and 8 He wasn’t a reincarnation of other great men He wasn’t a spirit manifesting Himself in bodily form no, He was a human being He experienced birth like any child does Luke chapter 2 verse seven says that Mary bought forth her firstborn son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a #manger. He grew like any other child (Luke 2:40). He increased in wisdom and stature (Luke 2:52). He aged (Luke 3:23).He looked distinctly like a Jew (John 4:9) because He was a Jew. As man He hungered (Matt 4:2). He thirsted. (John 4:7)(John 19:28).He experienced weariness (John 4:6). He slept (Mark 4:37-41). Our Jesus suffered pain on the cross (Luke 22:15) (Luke 24:46).He experienced temptation at all points as we are yet without sin(Matt ch4). He suffered death the death of the cross.(Matt 27:50).Jesus was a man but He was more than a man He was Godman and His humanity was perfect.


Many are the voices in the world today that not only decry the uniqueness of the Lord and the perfect humanity of the lord but many are the voices that decry the absolute deity of Christ. The Bible speaks plainly of Christ uniqueness His absolute humanity and His absolute deity. Galatians chapter 4:4 says that “when the fullness of the time was come god sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law” l don’t know about you but that the scripture says to me that Jesus already was the Fathers son before He became made of a woman. Isaiah 9:6 says much the same thing speaking of Christs pre-existance. In(John ch1: 1-3) “In the begining was the Word” and Christ is the Word. He was already there at the begining (of time) already existing. Jesus promises eternal life to those who will believe on him. (John ch3:16). Now if Jesus Christ can give you eternal life that naturally means He must be a possessor of it Himself He’s always had it from the beginning and gives it to those who ask Him for it and believe on Him. The only one who is eternal and who has always been eternal is God. Jesus Christ is God. In John’s gospel ch8:58 Jesus claims deity for Himself in a confrontation with the Jews He makes a statement about Himself “Before Abraham was I AM”. The Jews tried to stone Him because he was claiming he was God. This name takes us back to Moses when asking God His name, it was the I AM. Jesus claims the same name. The self existant one. The one with life within Himself, co-equal wth the Father and the Spirit. Think further to the other I am’s of Christ, the bread of life, the light of the world, the door, the good shepherd, the resurrection and the life, the way the truth and the life, the true Vine.

Christ claims He is God, I believe Him do you? Thomas said my Lord and my God, Peter said thou art the Christ, Mary called him her Saviour. Think of his miracles which touched all aspects of the creation demonstrating his sovereignty over them. Christ had sovereignty over the creation why? because he is the creator of it Colossians 1:16. He is the upholder of all things. He is Deity.

It is as John the apostle puts it “that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that believing ye might have life through his name. I so hope you believe it.

God bless