In Genesis chapter 10 and 11 we have the historical links between the times of Noah and the days of Abram. Within these 2 chapters is found the cause of God abandoning His dealings with the nations and singling out Abram to be the father of His chosen people Israel.
In the chronological order set out in ch 10 we read that Noah’s son Ham begat Cush and Cush begat Nimrod. Nimrod is linked to ch11 and the tower of Babel. In ch 10 vs 8 to 12 and ch11 vs1 to 10 there is a lot to be found.
The name Nimrod means ‘rebel’ and so he was. There are several things said in these verses which I believe show Nimrod to be a type of the antichrist. In the clearer light of the New Testament we cannot fail to see that Nimrod foreshadowed the last great world-ruler before our Lord descends to earth and ushers in His millennial reign.
He was a rebel as his name declares, a lawless one 2 Thessalonians ch 2:8.
He built cities Gen ch10 v10-12 to head a great confederacy this was an open revolt against God’s word. Gen ch9 v1.”to replenish the earth”.
Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. He pushed his own agendas to magnify himself above every ruler (Dan 11:36,37).
The word “mighty” is used 4 times to describe Nimrod check 2 Thessalonians 2:9 “with all power”.
Nimrod was a hunter not just animals but men this is what the lawless one will be, in Psalm 5;6 he is said to be the bloody and deceitful man .Also he is in Rev ch13 v7 and 8 and 16
Nimrod was a king. The beginning of His kingdom was Babel. In Dan 11:36 the antichrist is also termed ‘king’. His kingdom was Babylon. The man of sin is called ‘the king of Babylon’. Isaiah 14:4, Rev17: 3-5
Nimrod’s ambition was to make himself a name, a desire for fame. Pride. ‘So that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God ‘2 Thessalonians 2:4.’
Nimrod then is definitely a type of the antichrist.
Considering our text some we find that Nimrod came from the line of Ham on which rested a curse Gen ch9 vs25.
Next in verse 8 we see he “began” to be a mighty one in the earth . Did he initially struggle for the preeminence. Our texts shows that he became the king. (Dan 7:8 ?)
Next ‘he began to be mighty in the EARTH’. He became a leader and a ruler of men he wasn’t just a king of one city Babel but many cities from Babylon to Assyria see ch10 vs 10-12. His ambition was a world empire.
Next it tells he was a mighty hunter ‘before the Lord’ ch 10 vs9. This rebel pursued his own ambitious designs in open revolt and defiance of the Almighty. Who came first, king Nimrod.
Nimrod is not mentioned in ch11 but from the previous scripture in ch 10 we learn he was the chief and king.
So in ch11 we learn they all spake the same language and when they came to the land of Shinar they found a plain and decide to build a city and a tower that reached to heaven ‘and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad on the face of the whole earth’. God had said in ch9 vs1 ‘to replenish the earth’. They thought differently to God’s command. Therefore the Lord confounded their language with different ones but not only that ch11 vs9 states that THE LORD SCATTERED THEM ABROAD UPON THE FACE OF ALL THE EARTH.
Nimrod’s ambition was thwarted for a while. We do not hear from him again. The effect of God’s action was the origin of the different nations. Abram and the Jews being one of them. Praise the name of El Shaddai the one who is more than enough for me.
God bless
Michael Whitehouse